Sharing your story with the public
If you have a skin condition and you want to share your story with the media and in BAD communications, we would love to hear from you.
The media plays a key role in raising awareness of skin disease. Getting personal experiences in front of the general public can:
If you have a skin condition and you want to share your story with the media and in BAD communications (including our website and/or social media channels), we would love to hear from you. Your story could appear in a newspaper, magazine, on the TV or radio and could help others who have the same disease as you.
We will guide you through the process and will make sure you are happy with the type of media we have in mind before organising any opportunities.
If this sounds of interest, we would love to hear from you. You can apply by filling the consent form available which you can download below. Then, either email it to, or upload it as an attachment to the contact form at the bottom of this page.