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Private Practice

Private Practice

The BAD’s Transformation Quality Improvement Unit is responsible for developing guidance and resources to inform and support members in their private practice. This includes clinicians who are thinking about setting up in private practice either independently or under a provider.

Starting Private Practice in Dermatology

The BAD's Clinical Services Unit has produced guidance for those starting private practice in dermatology, this can be viewed or downloaded using the links below:

Private Practice in Dermatology- Ethical Aspects: A Guide for Members

In 2005 Past-President Professor Chris Bunker, in conjunction with the BAD, authored a booklet on Ethical Aspects in private practice, which can be viewed below. The guidance was last updated in 2017.

Advertising Guidance

The BAD has produced a guideline for advertising in private practice, utilising guidance from the Advertising Standards Agency (ASA), the General Medical Council (GMC) and the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA). The advice can be found here:

<p>Advertising Guidance</p>

BAD responses to health insurer queries – BUPA

Please find the BAD position on acne and Bupa’s response below. Bupa’s response is dated 1st February 2021.

<p><strong>BAD responses to health insurer queries &#8211; BUPA</strong></p>


The Acute Data Alignment Programme (ADAPt) is a joint programme between NHS Digital and the Private Healthcare Information Network (PHIN) which is looking to adopt common standards for data collections and performance measures across both the NHS and private healthcare. This will ensure that relevant information is consistently recorded where it has been produced privately and available so it can be more easily analysed and compared.

The aim of ADAPt is to move towards a common set of standards for data collections, performance measure methodologies and reporting systems across NHS and private healthcare. Where care has been received privately, the quality of that care will become more visible and patient records more complete.

Phase 3: Inclusion of private data in NHS quality measures and published outputs. Dependant upon the outcome of the first two phasis, recommendations for changes to data collection and publishing of that data will be made to the ADAPt board.

Implementation of those recommendations may require further consultation and Information Governance.

Acute Data Alignment Programme (ADAPt)
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Willan House, 4 Fitzroy Square, London, W1T 5HQ
+44 (0)020 7383 0266